START planning the next moves for your career while in school

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Student Career Path

Entering high school can be a challenging time for students, but perhaps more challenging is thinking about what they will do once they graduate.  It is never too early to start thinking about your future. JobPIN's JumpSTART program uses a balanced approach to aligning students' educational goals to future post-secondary education choices and career opportunities.

JobPIN’s JumpSTART Program provides career counseling, job preparation, mentoring, and soft skills training to high school and college students.  In addition, JobPIN engages with state/local leadership and school faculty to strengthen relationships with K-12, higher education, and corporations in order to create equity in the labor market.

Get clear on who you want to be

JumpSTART helps students identify their natural strengths and pinpoint their interests in certain academic subjects to better align themselves to future career interests.  The program guides students through four (4) phases to help them gain better awareness of the opportunities in the job market and to create curiosity around the "possibilities".  JobPIN's Immersion phase is designed to provide students with hands-on workplace experiences coupled with strategic mentoring in order to improve students' career choice preparedness and engagement in career planning activities.

  • Phase 1: Orientation
  • Phase 2: Discovery
  • Phase 3: Immersion
  • Phase 4: Alignment

Your network is your net worth

Recent studies have shown that more than 70% of professionals land jobs at companies where they already have a "connection".  Networking is not just about getting business cards, it's about building your brand, discovering synergies, increasing your value through collaboration, and expanding your reach in the job market.  Let your resume and your reputation work for you. JobPIN helps students get connected, stay "locked in" and create their footprint in the professional world.

  • Build Your Social Media/Online Presence
  • Get access to proven strategies and tips for networking
  • Be invited to special JobPIN networking events, exclusively for college students

Connecting Purpose to Business

The new generation entering the workforce today is quite different from the Baby Boomers. Instead of job security and a great pension, they are more interested in company culture, diversity, recognition and work-life balance.  The available job search engines are not matching those types of intangible preferences.  

More importantly, businesses are depending more and more on automated systems and AI to create efficiencies in their workflows, including recruiting. As a result, some of the best talent often won't make the interview roster because their resume failed to use the right buzz words. By strengthening relationships with the business community, facilitating strategic conversations and asking the right questions, JobPIN is able to be the bridge between what employers need in terms of talent and what jobseekers value as it relates to purpose. We connect Human Capital with Opportunity!

Ready to get started?

Let JobPIN give you a head START

JumpSTART is JobPIN’s mentoring, career counseling/job readiness program for youth and young adults.  It focuses on increasing interest in certain careers at the high school and college levels based on workforce needs, immersion activities and data trends. The program creates awareness of job opportunities, career paths, and strategies for landing a job. JumpSTART is particularly focused on improving the quality, access and availability of career development programs and services provided to youth, young adults (ages 16-24) and re-entry candidates in underserved communities, through the provision of technology-enabled products and services.  

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JobPIN is helping jobseekers in every industry meet the challenge of searching and landing the position that provides job security, career progression, and an inclusive work culture.
Resume Transformation
JobPIN has created 100+ resumes for clients in over 25 different labor categories
Interview Blitzes
Our clients experience a greater success rate when securing a job using our Interview Blitz tool
PUMP / JumpSTART Impact
JobPIN's outreach programs provide career consulting, resume development, job search assistance and interview preparation to at-risk youth and re-entry candidates in underserved communities
Interviews within 2 weeks
JobPIN's resume formats and application packaging significantly increase the chances of our clients getting a rapid response from recruiters because of one thing: Value